Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Handle my worst, Deserve my best.

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe.

This sums it up pretty much completely.

Just thought i'd put it out there to you all.. If you can't handle your lovely tresured person at their worst, there is no way you deserve their best!

It's funny how when you meet someone, you always try to look good, you're generally not covered in make up from the night before, un-showered, hungover or just generally looking disgusting. And because you don't meet people like this, you generally begin to like the person faster than if you met them whilst they looked like a hobo sitting in the middle of trash.

My boyfriend met me the first i don't know..bagillion times whilst i looked like a hobo sitting in trash. This being surprising as he still took the time to know me and decided to possibly even like me.
So the other night, this topic was brought up whilst in bed, i commented on how i looked crap the first 50 times my boyfriend saw me and to make me feel better my boyfriend said back, "yeah i know, you really did look very crap some of those times" this of course was muchly appreciated.

Although the moral of this is.. If you're loved one doesn't or can't handle you at your worst they definately don't deserve you at your best. Where as my beloved definately deserves me at my best, and most likely deserves a medal aswell. And to all the ones out there who handle the worsts in the same fashion as my boyfriend, on behalf of your partner, you are amazing.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

The Admitting of Feelings.

Everybody has the same issue, well this is what i find. Who is supposed to say how they feel first? Because i know in my case i wouldn't want to be the one to say anything big first incase it's not said back, yet wouldn't this be exactly what the other party is worried of too?

I recently (whilst drunk but reiterated it again in the morning as my partner asked me to do whilst i was drunk babbeling) told my partner more of how i felt. possibly in the most childish wording ever, but nevertheless i took a step and said how i felt. This being
                                                       "I think i like you more than like'
Which in my case, this is very true. Yet although i said this in a childish like term it doesn't make it any less real or big of a deal.

Although, the thing is, i feel stupid for saying it. The fact that i was drunk would have been a good excuse to have left it at that but because i was asked to tell my partner again whilst sober because he said i would be surprised (not knowing at all of what), i did. This possibly being a mistake of sorts, as i now feel like a moron as my amazing boyfriend let me tell him again that "i think i like you more than like" although only had aww an extremely tight hug and a million kisses to say as a reply.

But here is the thing.. I wasn't expecting him to say anything in return nor am i upset or anything that he didn't as his reaction was more than enough, i still for some unknown reason feel like a tard.

Though as my beautiful boyfriend made sure to tell me was not to feel stupid of apologise for saying my feelings. This being comforting to hear, yet the situation on my behalf is still left with me being the one who said their feelings first and resulted in feeling like an epic fool. This being something i am not so glad about.

Lucky that i like my man too much to care about being the one to say a childish expression of feelings first.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Monday, 18 April 2011

The impossibility of sexily unskinny-ing.

This issue is one that occurs far too many times seeing as it is really very unattractive. If you can remove your skinny jeans sexily, i congratulate you emensly.

The impossibility of removing skinny jeans sexily. We all know it's impossible, yet it is still tried to be pulled off as sexy, and in these attemps the words 'fail' and 'miserably' come to mind.

Anyhow, i just thought i would share with you all, stop trying to make your removal of your skinnys look sexy becuase you just look like some form of retarded animal..and if you are one who succeeds at removing them in a sexy fashion then well, i hate you.

 Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Saturday, 16 April 2011

The Bitch Girlfriend

So may i say just to start off... No amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity!

There's always that friend you love dearly and is amazing who goes off and gets a girlfriend who makes them change.. Possibly not on purpose but sometimes it is intentional.

Well i have this friend, who is incredible and has a girlfriend who is lovely aswell although makes this friend completely different. Makes the friend ignore his other female friends, distance himself and generally be a complete jerk until he has said goodbye to her for the day.

This is only a short but sweet message.. Your Girlfriend makes you act like an ass, stop it! We were here first and will still be here when your miss' is not. And to the girlfriend, there is nothing against you, but trust, we love your boyfriend but would never try to take him from you as if we wanted that we would have succeeded already.

 Oh and P.S.
The whole changing someone to make them suit you is pathetic.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Relationship Boundaries.

There is this saying that has been around for oh so long and it goes along the lines of 'No boundaries, no relationship'. And i had always seen how this statement had made sense... until i began to think about it and look upon my own life.

The boundaries of a relationship being the bringing of all your shit. First it starts by in most scenarios the lady friend of the couple bringing overnight clothes to their partners place to keep in a draw, a spare toothbrush, and silly little pieces of crap like that. And this in most cases scares the hell out of the charming male...who probably has commitment issues - so be careful - or you're just too clingy too fast... So this bringing of shit becomes a problem as it sends your partner thoughts to run for the hills as of course, leaving a spare toothbrush at your partners means you clearly are dropping the hints for marriage (You guys are all retarded by the way.. as i'm sure a toothbrush isn't the same as a diamond ring catalogue left on the bench, it is most likey so they can have fresh breath.. but who know's who is right - it shall remain a mystery).

So as i was saying.. Maybe it isn't so freaky when the other half of your relationship leaves their toothbrush at your place, puts clothes on the shelves.. maybe it's possibly a good thing, and maybe the idea of having these boundaries is stupid as i didn't/don't have these boundaries and nothing seems to be showing the statement as true, for this scenario is 'no boundaries, yes relationship'

Maybe it's just me or maybe you should look at the pro's of having that extra toothbrush and a little less room for yourself in the closet, as i quite fancy it with the little less room, and you probably will too.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

That hurtful person.

There's always one person who hurts you continuously, whether it be a lover, family member or friend, it's a person who although puts you through tears, pain, lonesom, self-hatred and many more of these lovely emotions and stages you love regardless with a neverending supply of it.

It's a person you want to love you, so you try everything. Try to impress them with knowledge, experiences, everything you possibly can show off to them to make them appreciate you and love you in the way you want.

This person can be the harshest person in the world to you and destroy parts of you, yet all you still want is them to care.

I have a person in my life like this, and let me say although at times i hated them, wished they weren't in my life and that i never knew them amoungst it all i secretly wanted nothing but them to care and cherish me the way i'd hoped, wanted and possibly needed.

So to all you bastard people who without realising you are crushing someone, either a little girls heart, a partner, sibling or friend, wake up, see what you are doing and change it before it's too late and you regret how your relationship between the other person has become.

Luckily for me my person woke up after a wake up call that was life changing to them as they realised what they had let go and had to fight to get back in their life.

So really, make sure your person you seek love and care from is worth it, and in the end i hope for you all they find you worth it to.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Friday, 8 April 2011

The Name Tramp.

The bitch who screams the wrong name! what can i say besides..skank!

But really how shit must that be for the other party, i mean think about it.. You're really into this one, you really like them then bam they slap you in the face by calling you someone else because, well clearly they couldn't be thinking of you as you make them scream, cos honestly, you're just not that good.

So my amazing trashbag of a friend, who might i add i love to pieces and would die without, managed to call her current toyboy by the wrong name..whilst in bed. The name she called him was the name of a previous fling, one of whom the new toyboy has previously expressed jealousy of.

It's the one rule, the only rule. Don't scream the wrong name as you climax, as it doesn't make for the ending that you really want.

So my message to all you trampy ladies who confuse the names of your toys, make a list. It's easier that way. And to the ladies who like their toy abit too much, don't do it again as hurting the toy you're begining to fall for once is enough.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Boy With Charm

 The boy with charm, the one who knows exactly what to say and when to say it, the one who makes you feel special whether (to him) you are or not, the one who gets all the girls, the one who you cant help but fall for.

These boys are a enchanting group of people, they are the ones you fall for..even if you try not to. They are the ones who slide into your life with their charming ways before you even know it, and without realising it they become what you want.

They are the ones who at times act too good to be true as they make you feel like you're one in a million. They call you beautiful instead of hot, kiss you on your hand, hug you from the waist, they make sure you notice that they noticed when you weren't there, they treat you the nicest you've ever been treated and of course captivate you with their amazing eyes and smile.

But might i add, there are a lot of charmers out there, but not all are real. Make sure you find your real charmer not just an imitation jerk because he'll either make you fall for him so he can catch you or make you fall for him so he can watch you break.

So let me leave you with one little thing, whether it be of goodness or of bad...
                                        There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm. 

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The Girls Hotness Scale Trick.

So there is this theory that although sounds and seems quite sexest i think is a pretty good topic to explore.

So the male race have come upon a trick that girls (not every girl but apparently a fair few) use to appear more attractive. I think it is quite, although mean and vain, a good idea.

The newly discovered trick (that i wish i knew before making my incredible friends that i have now who are goregous so can't do anything in help of this trick) is for a girl to surround herself with less attractive friends. This taking the girl on a man-judged scale from a 4 to an 8. As a moderately attractive girl will look moderately attractive by herself, but if she is surrounded by only minimally attractive girls will look like an a very attractive girl, this being by comparison.

I began to think about this so called trick more and more, so i decided to ask the opinions of some of my darling male's opinions. They all said that they see it all the time and were shocked i was only just noticing it. So i went out on search for people like this.. and when i actually looked, there were many many groups of people like this just floating around out there. But what got me thinking was a comment one of the guys had said, this comment being '...and some girls even get friends only to make themselves look hotter, they search for uglier people.' This however puzzles me as could someone actually truly be that selfish and vain to only choose their friends on looks in order to make themselves look better.

So my final message is.. If you are a friend that chooses your friends this way, you are a bitch and i sincerely hope you are actually the ugly one in your group.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Monday, 4 April 2011

The Epic Drunk Sex.

So i have this friend, and according to her...

Everytime her and her Mr do the deed whilst drunk epic sex is evident. And by saying epic i mean screaming so loud the neighbours mention it in joke the next time they see you.

She informs me that a screaming orgasm is not just a myth! and this i'm quite sure would be a bonus.

My friend tells me that it's the only time your partner is willingly going to wait for you, so by that it must be pretty amazing.

So this friend of mine was sharing the trashy details of her sexual life and through discussion a story came about. This story took place in a hotel. The story goes along the lines of the lovely couple who spent the night in a hotel, which the girlfriend was quite impressed and happy about. After a night out and a few cosmo's the couple finally went to bed. This is where the real story begins.

As the night went on crazy bed sex was had, this apparently involving lots of extremely loud screaming and moaning..and then the couple took their dirty deed to the balcony. This being a good idea, yet possibly stupid as well as the the screaming from the balcony began to echo and then the sight of rooms on the opposite side of the hotel balcony lights turn on from multiple different rooms, and then to make it even more dramatic the neighbouring hotel stayer comes out onto his balcony to see what all the noise is about. ... This was when the couple took it inside to finish what they had started, witch was epic epic sex.

The next morning as the boyfriend of this lovely couple was having a shower the girlfriend whilst lying on the bed could hear general conversations from the neighbouring (even closer neighbouring than the man who came out onto the balcony next door) hotel suits. This is when the 'oh my god' thought of how loud were we last night comes to the minds of the couple.

But all in all who really cares, the night, the sex, the everything was epically perfect.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl