The bitch who screams the wrong name! what can i say besides..skank!
But really how shit must that be for the other party, i mean think about it.. You're really into this one, you really like them then bam they slap you in the face by calling you someone else because, well clearly they couldn't be thinking of you as you make them scream, cos honestly, you're just not that good.
So my amazing trashbag of a friend, who might i add i love to pieces and would die without, managed to call her current toyboy by the wrong name..whilst in bed. The name she called him was the name of a previous fling, one of whom the new toyboy has previously expressed jealousy of.
It's the one rule, the only rule. Don't scream the wrong name as you climax, as it doesn't make for the ending that you really want.
So my message to all you trampy ladies who confuse the names of your toys, make a list. It's easier that way. And to the ladies who like their toy abit too much, don't do it again as hurting the toy you're begining to fall for once is enough.
Lots Of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl
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