Monday, 4 April 2011

The Epic Drunk Sex.

So i have this friend, and according to her...

Everytime her and her Mr do the deed whilst drunk epic sex is evident. And by saying epic i mean screaming so loud the neighbours mention it in joke the next time they see you.

She informs me that a screaming orgasm is not just a myth! and this i'm quite sure would be a bonus.

My friend tells me that it's the only time your partner is willingly going to wait for you, so by that it must be pretty amazing.

So this friend of mine was sharing the trashy details of her sexual life and through discussion a story came about. This story took place in a hotel. The story goes along the lines of the lovely couple who spent the night in a hotel, which the girlfriend was quite impressed and happy about. After a night out and a few cosmo's the couple finally went to bed. This is where the real story begins.

As the night went on crazy bed sex was had, this apparently involving lots of extremely loud screaming and moaning..and then the couple took their dirty deed to the balcony. This being a good idea, yet possibly stupid as well as the the screaming from the balcony began to echo and then the sight of rooms on the opposite side of the hotel balcony lights turn on from multiple different rooms, and then to make it even more dramatic the neighbouring hotel stayer comes out onto his balcony to see what all the noise is about. ... This was when the couple took it inside to finish what they had started, witch was epic epic sex.

The next morning as the boyfriend of this lovely couple was having a shower the girlfriend whilst lying on the bed could hear general conversations from the neighbouring (even closer neighbouring than the man who came out onto the balcony next door) hotel suits. This is when the 'oh my god' thought of how loud were we last night comes to the minds of the couple.

But all in all who really cares, the night, the sex, the everything was epically perfect.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

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