Thursday, 30 May 2013

Life plan

I always thought i'd be getting engaged around this stage of my life and married in a year or so and a baby a year or so after that. Now being at this stage I'm realising i have no fucking idea!

I want this stuff. But at the same time i really don't!

There is no way i want to be waking up to a screaming, needy, helpless child when half the time i still am one.

Life plans SUCK! They give you so much to hope for and look forward too and even if you don't exactly what your life plan at the same age or time anymore it still messes with your head and makes you feel like you have failed. And this possibly is the worst feeling you can make yourself have.

My advice that I have only just finally learnt to accept is.... Change it!
Yes your plan may seem solid but there is always room for improvements because right through till the end it is just a rough draft.
Nobody can plan your life - not even you! Yes you can shape it but whether you like it or not it won't ever go to plan. It will run free until you are ready for it to start to come true.

So just wait because everything happens for a reason, just remember to smile and love throughout your adventure called life!


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