Thursday, 12 July 2012

Ever More Infrequent Sex

I have a friend, who is although new i treasue dearly.

This friend has a problem, one of which i think they are in need of guidance and advice. This issue is of high importance, it is about sex. and not just sex, about anything remotely sexual and about one of the top priorities, love making.

This friend has been with his girlfriend for years, let's say 4 for example. And here is the problem...there has been no kind of sex in at least 1 year. At least!

The friends girlfriend has refused to have a conversation about why and if i was in my lovely friends position i don't think I'd be too impressed.

The only reason i really can think of is that the girlfriend might be cheating (though hopefully not, as i haven't met her but i'm sure she is lovely and wouldn't be the kind of person to do that) or maybe my friend is just really shit in the bedroom. but isn't it 'practice makes perfect' so shouldn't they always be at it then?

I don't know. but hopefully for my friends sake things change. As honestly if i was him there'd be no way i would have put up with no explanation as to why one partner is avoiding the othes 'parts' like they have the plague! because really is one conversation that hard?

I really don't know how my friend has done it and stayed faithful. i congratulate him heaps! As I would be asking 'when is enough enough?' Way to often to have stayed so long.
And with his girlfriend, i really don't know what she's thinking as she has a great catch yet is risking losing him over something so small (yet so important) as sex.

Lots of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl

1 comment:

  1. Dude is obviously a deep beta. He deserves the treatment he's getting.
