Thursday, 30 June 2011

Relationship vs 'Sex-ationship'

What is better the relationship with everything or the 'sex-ationship' with just the casual rooting around, no strings attached?

A 'sex-ationship' well sounds good in theory. Not having to pretend you care if you don't, not needing to spend your time together, no meeting family or friends and playing nice, no dates, just sex, with the only rule being 'No strings attached'. Yet don't we all know 'no strings attached' means we will pretend that there is no feeling, but at least one of us will most likely be hurt at one stage when they confuse or mix their emotions with plain emotionless sex.

And then there is the relationship. The spending quality time together, going on dates, meeting families, actually caring, being there for the plain out shit times but also there for the good. Plus of course, the sex is there aswell just with meaning and emotion behind it.

Which is better? I much prefer the relationship, though i'm sure not everyone is on the same side as me.

But here is my actual question and thought..
If you can have a relationship without sex can you have sex without a relationship?

Though who said anything about a relationship without sex anyhow..

Lots Of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Saturday, 25 June 2011

The L Word.

The L word, the scary, meaningful, big word that means so much yet is only four letters long.

So last Tuesday my boyfriend took that step of a relationship and said the L word. This to me was enormous. It means despite that i thought he did i now actually know he does, he loves me. And that is the most amazingly happy, greatful and gorgeous feeling in the entire world.

The moment the words leave his lips everytime he tells me my heart is instantly filled with happiness.

This guy is the one i want to be with forever, and i am the one he wants. There is nothing that could be more perfect. Because i love him back at the moment and as each day passes i only love him more.

But here's the thing to watch out for.. (though i know this is not my case at the moment, i will just explain it to you for your benefit) the ones who say they love you because really they do love you, they love the fact that when they say those three prescious words you're theirs you drop to the ground in happiness, you sleep with them because hey, why not, they love you. These people i have had too much contact with, yet really i haven't had that much. But even being told your loved once when really your not is once too many.

Then there are the other types of love and people that i completely cannot understand. They are the ones who love you, and generally do but still want other people so hurt you and then think that once they realise its better to be with the one they love instead of love them but be with many others they want you back. But when you realise being with someone because they love you in their own messed up way is not what you want or deserve is no way to live when you could easily be with the someone who loves you and treats you right the person gets hurt, begs for you back, tells you all about how you're breaking their heart and as you continue not going back to the disfunctional love relationship because, who ever you are, you are better than that, the person decides they no longer love you, they hate you. Instantly their love is hate. How is it possibly for one to love you one minute and hate you the next? My personal opinion is it's not. They may love you but it's twisted and not how you deserve to be loved. These people are ass' if you go back to them then believe me you are a fool!

Now that my charming speel is done, i only have one more thing to say.

I am so glad i am not in a twisted disfunctional messed relationship, mine is perfect. And i love my boyfriend unonditionally no matter what, to me he is perfect. And that is what i think love is.

Lots Of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl

The Good, The Bad, And Everything In Between..

I live in a tiny little town in a beautiful paradise, It has many reasons that make me never want to leave but many that make me want to escape.

Three weeks ago i wanted to leave. The small town crap of rumors, judgement and no privacy within your own life finally caught up to me. This is the bad. And there is no escape from it. The moment you realise in yourself that other people whom aren't important in your life don't matter and their shit that they bring into your life is just petty nonesence, and if you just brush it off like a leaf that has fallen on a chair you will be ok but if you let it bother you you will never be happy. Though this is way harder than it sounds. I still have many moments of mini breakdowns every few months or so because of the crap a small town paradise brings. Though my hatered only lasts a day or two and then i see it for its delight, like i do now and most of the time.

And this week it's my gorgeous boyfriends time of hate towards this small towns sillyness.

But the good is oh so good. It's beautiful here everyday. I have climatised that when it gets down to mid 20s i am cold and get out my cardi and doona..pathetic i know. The beach is across the road from my house, this is amazing. I will never be able to live away from the beach, it is too incredible and to me living near the beach is home, wherever i may be. The people (generally) are friendly, because you don't want to get off on the wrong side in a small town where everyone knows everyone and everything.

I don't know how long i want to stay here, I know i don't want to leave just yet. Though i will if it's whats needed for my boyfriend but i really hope that it's not.

This place may be shit and not what i want sometimes but regardless of that it is everything I want in my paradise i currently call home.

So my advice to you all, small towns aren't as bad as you think. Give them a shot, i did dispite my fear and hatered of them i quickly found it for its beauty.. I guess it's kinda like people. If you put down your armor and stop thinking what you know you may find out what you actually want, need and like. And this may be your blessing in disguise.

Lots Of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Happy Wife, Happy Life,

The things i really don't understand that this so called male race do as lifestlye normalities..

I mean do you really need to leave the toilet seat up all the time? Yes we get it, you can stand. But you don't need to constantly remind us of this everytime we enter the bathroom and are faced with the upright toilet seat. Work your arm muscles just that tiny bit and flick the lid down every once in a while.

Is it a necessity that you leave all your clothes on the floor regardless if they are clean or not so that they all have to be re-washed because you also left your wet smelly shower towl with them..I know you love mold and the grossness of it all, but really for the ones who do all your washing it isn't as charming as you think.

Are you positive you don't just want to romantically watch the notebook or movies as such with me? Are you really sure?? Because i'm sure if you put down your "I'm not watching that crap" act you would actually enjoy it, least a little bit.

Roses are nice by the way, just adding that in there in case you all forgot.

Do boys nights always have to have some form of drama. You all think the girls have drama, but spending the night bitching about crap isn't drama in comparisson to getting faces smashed in, dissapointing people or almost sleeping with the married cougars.

Oh hey, yes you should have your fourth cup of coffee out of a different cup. What a brilliant idea! But if you decide to spice it up a bit and use only one cup and wash it in between instead of leaving it for your adoring other half to wash you could bring all your empty water bottles and fill them back up and pack into the fridge so once again the household can have water.. But of course don't do it all at once, you wouldn't want to kill us of culture shock now would you.

Before i forget, I'll just share a valuable secret with you all..
The bath mat is neatly spread out infront of the shower/bath for a reason! So if you drench it with water the way to make it back to normal is to hang it out and pick it up off its scrunched up pile on the floor. Though it will remain a mystery how it got like that after only standing on it...

But all in all, although you are an extremely strange bunch. I wouldn't want it any other way.. most of the time.

But I'm sure it couldn't hurt to give one of these a try every once in a while.. As my uncle always says, happy wife, happy life. And i'm sure for a happy wife he must throw one of these ideas in the air on the odd special occasion.

Lots Of Love,
Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Friday, 3 June 2011

My morning, Your night.

So a rant about me..

My boyfriend works on the mines, so he is not here all the time. This means for half of his shift that he is away i say good morning he says good night. It means i don't get to talk to him when i want to as he is tired from working and therefore asleep, working or i am asleep or working. It means i'm alone when he is away, not literally as i have my amazing friends around yet i still feel alone. All in all it kinda sucks.

Yet when he is away i realise how much i appreciate and care for him, which makes it all that better when he gets back.

But really, i don't even know how to explain how i miss him when he is gone or how truly happy i am when he is home.

Anyhow, I've had enough of a rant about me, my message to leave you with is.. When you find someone who makes you happy at the sight or thought of them, someone who is the first and last thing you think about each day, someone who you wouldn't want to be without, someone who means more to you than anything else, keep them. Don't let them go.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

The Couch Sleeping

Sleeping on the couch.. Possibly the worst thing ever! No one really wants to have that fight that ends in one of the parties having to take their pillow and the spare blanket and sleep alone on the couch.

Well the other day me and my boyfriend came back from a holiday and arrived home at 2am ish, hence i was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep although my boyfriend was playing xbox on the bedroom tv from when we arrived home until 5am when i finally cracked the shits a little. I went to grab the doona and my pillow and head downstairs to sleep on the couch (neither of us having to have done this before within our relationship). Whilst i grabbed my sleeping stuff i continually repeated "No sweetie, i don't mind, continue to play your games. I'll sleep on the couch. It's fine." But really i was pissed. Luckily the idea of me sleeping on the couch made him feel bad and turn off his games and come to bed with me. This being an extremely wise decision on his behalf as i although was saying i wouldn't have cared i would have been feral with grumpyness and annoyance at him the next day.

So a tiny bit of advice, If your significant other says it's ok they will sleep on the couch whilst you play xbox or any other kinda game of similar type that keeps them awake whilst they try to sleep, don't let them sleep on the couch because although they say it will be ok, it really wont.

And to the people that fight with their other half leaving one of you to end up sleeping on the couch, i feel sorry for you. It must suck. Yet in other aspects i am so glad me and my boyfriend aren't one of the couples like you. Possibly see a councellor?

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl

Convincing Your Emotions.

Convincing yourself you're not in love when you know you are. We all do this. You may be in denial that you do in fact go through this, although deep down, you're secretly aware you do.

This not just being about love this being convincing yourself you're happy when you're not, you're healthy or right when you're not, or you're ugly when of course you are beautiful, if not to everybody, at least to somebody.

People perhaps do this to hide their feelings from themselves, despite the fact it is silly, a waste of time and just a way of attempting to convince yourself that you're not who you are. When in the long run, it doesn't work anyway.

You may be able to fool yourself for a brief moment or two but really, who are you fooling? who are you pretending to be? what are you pretending to be? what are you trying to turn yourself into? who are you trying to turn yourself into? I'm sure your answer there is someone you're not. So really it's a bit silly and kinda makes you all in all a retard.

My wisdom that i shall pass to you is: Be who you want to be. If not to the world right away, at least to yourself and the ones who care about you the most. Because you don't want to have your dream "person" fall in love with you for a 'fake' you.

Lots Of Love,
      Pretty Little Bitch Girl